Lil Miss Lexi continues to amaze us eveyday!!! She is so small, but so strong... I love just staring at her.Thur Dec 16th I got to hold her for the first time, it was unforgetable. I got her for an hour, and loved every minute of it!!! She snuggled right in on my bare chest and it felt amazing. It's the only thing that helped me walk out of that hospital without her, I think the nurses knew I needed it. Oh I almost forgot she was improving so much they took her lines in her belly button so that she can lay on her stomach, so I had to wait 4 hrs to hold her. We had also got her results from her xray on wed and they were very happy with her lungs.
Fri december 17th I had a good shower last night and my mom was so great she washed all my bedding before I got home, nothing like fresh washed sheets and a good shower to make me sleep better!
Needless to say I was up and going way earlier than I usually do, cause I wanted to be back with her. So I got my stuff togehter and headed out, ran to target to grab a few suppplies since I have none for pumping since I thought I still had 14 weeks! Then here I am sitting and enjoying watching her suck on her thumb, oh my!!! Oh and I'm not a pacifier person but I've given in with her, she doesn't have to have it all the time so its nice!!! She is my HERO and doing great!!! WE had ultrasounds done of her brain and tummy today to make sure everything is working right and no brain bleeds which are very common and can be fixed with preemies! So everyone keep your fingers crossed for good results like she has been giving us!
Sounds like you are both doing great! That is wonderful. Katie said you have pictures posted but I haven't got to them yet. We will be praying that she continues to do well. Enjoy your sweet baby girl!