Friday, December 17, 2010


as you all know I wasn't due til March 23, but someone else had other plans. So heres the story:
Saturday Dec.11th I woke up and got ready for work. My glut muscles had felt like I had done a 3 hour workout on them, so I just assummed the lil one was hanging out on my tailbone like usual. So I worked all day, a very busy day too. It wasn't painful I just couldn't think of what I had done to feel like that. So Sat. night we hung out with some friends and I had a little bit of lower back pain, but nothing I wasn't use to. Then as the night went on I got more and more uncomfy, then as morning came the pain started waking me I was thinking constipation (since I do have problems with that) but as they shot through my back it made me start to worry. So yes I called my momma, shes a nurse she told me I should think about going to see a doctor. So I hung up and started walking around the house to see if I just needed to get the lil one to move off something. Then I started to watch the clock and when pains started to become consistant every 4 min it really started to worry me. So I told Robert to warm up the car so we could drive into Ankeny to get paint for the baby room and when we were done and the pain hadn't gone away he would have to take me to urgent care. So before we left I used the potty, like normal pregnant women need to and thats when I realized I was losing mucus. I stood up and told Robert we are going to Methodist ER, no paint store, and he said ok. So as we drove in the contractions stayed consistant ever 3 mins now. So they take me up the maternity area and put me on a monitor and they confirm that they are contractions and start running test to see what is causing them. Then they checked and realize I'm dialated to 1 1/2. So next thing I know I am getting admitted and they say expect to be here atleast 48 hours so then I realize oh my I need to call work. So took care of that. They started I.V.s and meds to try to relax my muscles and slow contractions and get two doses of steriods for the babies lungs to start working better faster. So they told me I had to try to hold off for a full 48 to get the full dose to the baby and let it start working. Then they started the horrible Magnesium (they warned me it wasn't fun) and I kept thinking it's not that bad, it just made my face feel like it was on fire, but I also had no energy cause it relaxes all your muscles. So for having no strength and trying to breath thru contractions weren't fun...Then the vomitting started and that made we wear out even faster. So Monday night I asked for pain meds to let me atleast sleep tru the night cause my big doses of mag from the night before were really hard on me. So it helped alot and I got some sleep, still had some contractions and woke up alot, but not up all night. So tues morning the contractions picked up again and I kept watching the clock I had to make it past 4:30 a.m. at around 6:00 a.m. they checked me and I was dialated to 7, so they took me off the mag and told me I needed to hold off another two hours to let that wear off. So I hung in the here til about 10:15 they started to take me to the CSection room for more room for all the teams to be there ready for baby...So they broke my water on the first contraction, I had to learn how to push on the second contraction (thanks to Tiff she had to explain it all to me since I had no birthing classes yet), then on the third contraction she was here...At 10:39 Lexi Ann Stiles arrived and stole my heart!!! YES SHE EVEN CRIED!!! They took her and put a breathing tube in right away, cause they always do with micropreemies because of their under developed lungs. Then they transfered her to her room and Robert got to go with her, I had to go back to the room to clean up and get transfered to a new room...But Tiff was a great nurse and took me to go see her before my new room!!! The doctor had us sign off for her to get blood transfusion, because her hemoglobin was low and they didn't know why. Then Robert got to take the grandparents up to see her. The doctors were very happy with her breathing!

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